Frequently Asked Questions
Q: [Does ITFM sponsor children?] A: [No, we leave that in the hands of partner organizations such as ICN, World Vision and such others]
Q: [Does anyone receive salary income from my donation?] A: [No one in the United States or "West" receives any compensation / salary from ITFM, we are 100% volunteer at this time]
Q: [Do you still have the Hydraulic Ram manual for free? A: [Yes; Click Here to download it. Warning ~16MB.

Q: [Can I go on a trip and what does it cost?] A: [Yes, 2016 would be approximately $3600.00, mostly air fare and in country transportation.]
Q: [Do you only work in Uganda?] A: [No, Although we are currently primarily focused on East Africa and centralized in Uganda we have been asked to go other places as well. We are anxiously awaiting opportunities to grow into other areas as we are led and able to.]
Q: [Do you sponsor internships to Uganda?] A: [Yes, This is under development. We are currently looking into partnering with college's or universities to help sponsor engineering students into a short term foreign missions working experience. Please feel free to contact John @ 425-531-4943 for more information.] or via